Warning to the World

Do NOT do business with the following entities:

  • Power Sport Warehouse
  • Power Sport Online
  • Enrique Gonzalez

Enrique Gonzalez (the owner) of these businesses is a LIAR and HE will PROMISE AND PROMISE to PAY.

Your typical scam and we are embarrassed to say the least but we feel compelled to warn other companies about their scam.

They will start with a small order and move forward to a larger 2nd order. On the 3rd order they ask you if they can send a smaller deposit. Then this is when the "GAMES" begin.

KUPEY AUTO DISTRIBUTORS owes us 32,000.00USD and all they offer is excuses and empty promises.

The product was shipped to them in good faith and was received February 2012. We would suggest to any other company to stay away from these people.

Possible contact methods:

Mobile - 787-567-3434
Email - egonzalez@kupeypr.com
Email - enrique@powersportonline.com

-=Outstanding Invoice=-


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